In this episode, we learn why we need Scottish poet Robert Burns now more than ever before! He's been dead over two centuries but his catchy songs and verse championing liberty, equality, and democracy are alive and well. See how Burns helped to unite Americans during the Civil War and discover three ways he can unite us again in 2022. Hear poetry about Burns and by Burns, along with a great mix of Burns-inspired music from Hamish Napier, Kilmarnock Edition, Brina, and Davy Steele.
Hamish Napier: Whirlpool
Kilmarnock Edition: Pay It Forward
Brina: The Slave's Lament
Davy Steele: My Love's Like a Red, Red Rose
Read host Andrew McDiarmid's accompanying article at American Greatness asking whether Robert Burns' Soul of Freedom can save America from another Civil War.
Get a copy of Ferenc Morton Szasz's excellent book Abraham Lincoln and Robert Burns: Connected Lives and Legends, which Andrew consulted as he prepared this episode.